Founded in 1981 by concerned area educators, industrialist and corporate volunteers, the Amarillo Chapter of Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering (TAME) was chartered as an all-volunteer non-profit alliance of TAME, Inc.
TAME’s founders were concerned about low minority representation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers. For example women make up roughly half the country’s population; however, only about 12.1% of the nation’s practicing engineers are women. Furthermore, approximately 9.5% of engineering professionals are African American, Hispanic American, or Native American, but these minority groups represented over 25% of the nation’s populace.
Amarillo TAME reaches hundreds of Panhandle elementary, middle and high school students each year through a system of monthly engineering programs/activities during the school year. Each state TAME alliance works independently in its own community, insuring that local resources are maximized and local needs are met. There has been a steady increase in minority freshmen enrollment and over 90% increase in female enrollment in the 19 Texas University engineering programs since the founding of TAME, Inc. in 1976. This increase in enrollment reflects the efforts of local TAME Alliances and other groups working toward expanding the number of underrepresented minorities and women entering in an graduating from engineering degree programs or related fields.
With strong support from Amarillo College and Pan-tex, the Amarillo Chapter of TAME continues to offer quality programs for area students.
To influence the Educational preparation of K-12 students, particularly females and under-represented minorities, and provide them with career choices in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).
To increase the number of women and under-represented minorities pursuing degrees in STEM disciplines.
· Create partnerships between educators, industry, government, and families to inform and motivate targeted students.
· Develop programs/activities to attract and retain targeted students.
· Obtain and sustain necessary resources in order to achieve these objectives.
Registered Local TAME Clubs